All kit is supplied in Partnership with Fast Break Clothing. You can now order everything you need, direct from the site and pay online. [You can still use the Kit Order Form if you prefer]
Normal turnaround for custom items is 21days.
If you would like to see new items in the store, let me know!
Some items are requirements to play, whilst others are optional extras. You need:
Blue/White Reversible Training Jersey
Black Training Shorts
White Warm Up Tee
Blue Playing Kit - For U14s and up. [U12 are supplied with game kit as they grow out of it too quick]
You do NOT need to replace your kit each season. The kit has been tested for quality and if looked after should last a number of years. Kit should be clean & tidy as you represent the club. If you have outgrown, lost, or somehow outworn your kit, please replace it as needed.