Information for Parents and Players
Updated Sept. 2024.
The Program costs £400 for the year (+ kit)
This payment is split into 2 halves. Half due in Sept. Half in Jan.
Payments are made to:
Bournemouth Seahawks Limited
Acc: 33385885
Sort: 04-03-70
Reference: Players Full Name
This can be paid direct via BACS, or through the Spond App, which will charge a small admin fee.
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT PAY BCS SCHOOL. The Club is now its own business, with its own bank account and treasurer. Other than using their amazing facilities, we are not a BCS School Club or Sports Academy.
BCS Pupils can no longer add it to the termly school bill.
If you require additional financial support we can discuss splitting this cost more across the year. We understand the cost of living has increased, but unfortunately so have basketball overheads and hence there must be a small increase in fees compared to previous years.
This includes everything you need to play:
All coaching costs
All referees costs (you will not be asked for money on game days!)
​ + Strength and Conditioning sessions for home
Sessions run for school term times and are dictated by school opening, exams use and school events out of our control:
Winter: September 5th 2024 - December 12th 2024
Spring: January 6th - March 27th
Summer: Up until the 1st Exam... followed by fun sessions after exams finish.
For 2024-25 Players must pay their own Basketball Registration Fees. This has increased by Basketball England to £20.
For 2023-24 we continue our partnership with FAST BREAK CLOTHING. The design will remain the same, so present players do not have to buy a new kit. Please visit the Team Shop for orders. We aim to add new kit to the shop whenever we can. If there is an item you'd like to see, then let us know.
Basketballs belong to the Club, NOT the players. Balls will be returned after every session and locked away. The Wilson Evolution costs £50 each. The Wilson NXT Match Ball costs £85. We must look after them otherwise the fees have to increase to cover these.
Should you wish to buy a basketball we can recommend our suppliers, or even order it for you.
Monday & Thursday 5 - 9pm.
Session times are listed on the home page.
Thursday 7:45pm tip-off for Senior Home matches.
Away matches can be scheduled on any day of the week
The 2024-25 Fixtures list will be released in due course.
We use the app, Spond, to keep in touch with all players and parents. It creates a clear calendar of sessions and fixtures, allowing players to accept or decline dates for selection. Times, dates, location and details are all listed. It also allows easy messaging to arrange lifts etc. You will be given a specific Seahawks code to join the group.
Coaches are not responsible for Travel. Players must ensure they can get to games, and back, either with a parent or car share. Please use the App to ask or offer lifts.
ALL members must attend the Monday and Thursday training sessions. If you are unable to attend please let either of the coaches know, in advance, via Spond or other. Failure to attend may result in suspension from a fixture.
Players must report injuries to the coaching staff at the earliest possible time to help recovery. Players may only return to the court with a doctors or nurses note to give clearance. For short term injuries, attendance to sessions for senior team players is still encouraged to learn set plays, from the sidelines and bench, and to be involved in the development of the team.
If you have any issues with the coaches during your sessions, please raise any concerns with:
Coach Olly Wood
If the issue directly concerns Coach Wood, you can contact the league Welfare Officer on