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Team to Face Tigers, Thurs 26th.

Seahawks host the South Coast Tigers, from Bournemouth University on Thurs 26th April. A super strong team but we just have to give our all.











For those with limited minutes in the last few fixtures, sometimes that is the way it has to be. I know its disappointing and frustrating, but in these close games, (53-64 v Badgers, 42-52 v Classics) we have to do all we can to try to get the win. Ive been on teams where I sat most of the game too.

We've been playing really well recently, against the Badgers last time, the Classics just before the break, even the Heat in the game before we were strong and went with them for the majority of the game. And its a team game. Those that play 4 mins can have just as much impact as those that play 30.

From a coaches point of view its player rotation; Goz, Yera, Josh, Me, plus Myles this time... pick 3 from the 5 for the post positions... and then a whole bunch of guards in the squad needed to fill only 2 positions. Having guards play low is fine against the small teams like the Badgers, but the Tigers, they'd get swamped and beat up.

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