Home game Thurs, 8th Nov.
#4 Tony
#7 Manuel
#9 Benno
#12 Vito
#13 Abner
#15 Boris
#23 Olly
#25 Leon
#30 Nathan
#32 Yera
#35 Andreas
#55 Richard HP!!
As this is a Cup game, we can use it as a practice match: we still want to go out and win and will do anything to get that win. However, if the score-board gets away from us, we can use the match to get some minutes for the less experienced. Therefore we are bringing more guys, a team of 12; some will obviously get more minutes than others. Just bare with the coaches and lets see what the game brings.
[Training as normal before the game, and then dinner, back at 7:15 for 7:45pm tip]